12 Armenain Historians
Table of Contents | Headwords: Alphabetical - Frequency | Wordforms: Alphabetical - Frequency | About

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Headwords starting with 's'. 959 items, 33488 occurrences.
5 sabbath
5 sable
12 sabre
16 sack
6 sackcloth
7 sacrament
1 sacramental
16 sacred
97 sacrifice
6 sacrificial
1 sacrilege
2 sacrilegious
1 sacrist
3 sacristan
37 sad
22 sadden
3 saddle
2 sadistic
24 sadness
36 safe
1 safeguard
1 safeguarded
5 safekeeping
20 safety
1 saffron
8 sagacious
1 sagacity
1 sagas
5 sage
3 saghar
21 sail
5 sailor
361 saint
1 sak
98 sake
1 salamalek
5 sale
4 sally
24 salt
2 saltmines
2 salutary
1 salutation
6 salute
132 salvation
5 salver
2 salvific
777 same
1 sample
4 san
8 sanctify
1 sanction
10 sanctity
22 sanctuary
1 sanctury
26 sand
1 sandals
3 sandaramet
1 sandstone
2 sapphire
2 sarcophagus
103 satan
14 satanic
1 satanical
6 sate
8 satellite
12 satiate
3 satisfaction
1 satisfactory
45 satisfy
10 satrap
1 saturate
10 savage
292 save
121 savior
3 savor
1681 say
2 scabbard
7 scale
1 scalp
8 scandal
2 scandalize
1 scandalmongering
3 scandalous
1 scanty
2 scapegoat
5 scar
7 scarce
1 scared
1 scarf
97 scatter
5 scene
14 scepter
1 scete
1 schedule
26 scheme
2 schism
1 schismatic
12 scholar
4 scholarship
24 school
11 science
1 scintillate
3 scion
2 scoff
4 scold
1 scoop
1 scope
7 scorch
1 score
46 scorn
6 scornful
16 scourge
6 scout
1 scrambled
3 scrape
4 scratch
6 scream
1 screech
23 scribe
21 script
106 scripture
2 scruple
1 scrupulous
2 scrutinize
3 scrutiny
4 sculpt
5 sculpture
1 scurvy
3 scythe
284 sea
3 seal
2 sear
46 search
14 seashore
1 seaside
39 season
99 seat
1 seaworthy
6 secede
2 secession
3 seclude
1 seclusion
12 second
1 secrecy
154 secret
1 secretariat
10 secretary
40 sect
2 sectarian
30 section
46 sector
9 secular
143 secure
22 security
2 sedan
1 sedition
5 seditious
22 seduce
6 seduction
4 seductive
1154 see
37 seed
1 seedling
259 seek
147 seem
1 seethe
2 segregate
337 seize
6 seizure
82 select
2 selection
37 self
1 selfish
1 selfishness
26 sell
3 semblance
1 seminarian
13 senate
2 senator
1005 send
1 sendee
1 seneschal
96 senior
6 seniority
1 senority
2 sensation
45 sense
32 senseless
3 senselessness
2 sensible
2 sensitive
1 sensitivity
3 sensual
2 sensuous
23 sentence
1 sentient
5 sentiment
1 sentry
98 separate
2 separation
10 sephakan
1 septennial
73 sepuh
3 sepulcher
1 sequel
8 sequence
1 seraph
2 seraphim
1 serene
1 serenely
1 serenity
1 serf
1 sergeant
2 series
9 serious
1 seriousness
4 sermon
3 sermonize
20 serpent
1 serpentine
1 serrated
256 servant
188 serve
218 service
7 servitor
30 servitude
571 set
82 settle
7 settlement
100 seven
6 sevenfold
9 seventeen
26 seventy
3 sever
28 several
131 severe
26 severity
3 sew
3 sex
1 sexual
20 shackle
15 shade
1 shadeless
21 shadow
2 shadowless
4 shaft
6 shah
16 shahanshah
4 shahap
25 shahastan
1 shahkhorapet
64 shake
746 shall
4 shallow
7 sham
71 shame
22 shameful
12 shameless
2 shamelessness
18 shape
2 shar
1 shard
85 share
11 sharp
9 sharpen
9 shatter
4 shave
274 she
30 shear
1 shearer
2 sheath
6 sheave
108 shed
66 sheep
1 sheepfold
1 sheepskin
1 sheet
1 shekel
14 shelter
7 shen
68 shepherd
1 shepherdhood
75 shield
2 shift
2 shimmer
3 shin
14 shinakan
114 shine
63 ship
6 shipwreck
1 shirk
6 shirt
3 shiver
1 shnomshapuh
9 shock
16 shoe
44 shoot
2 shop
1 shopper
13 shore
64 short
2 shortcoming
512 should
25 shoulder
33 shout
1 shove
199 show
8 shower
2 shred
3 shrewd
9 shriek
2 shrill
7 shrine
6 shrink
1 shrivel
6 shroud
1 shrub
5 shudder
1 shun
31 shut
2 sic
34 sick
5 sickle
9 sickness
359 side
38 siege
1 sieze
44 sigh
53 sight
110 sign
6 signal
2 signature
1 signet
2 significance
13 significant
10 signify
30 silence
40 silent
14 silk
1 silly
122 silver
1 silversmith
1 silverware
172 similar
2 similarity
2 simile
1 simony
2 simoon
19 simple
1 simplicity
4 simultaneous
196 sin
530 since
30 sincere
6 sincerity
8 sinew
18 sinful
3 sinfulness
63 sing
134 single
1 singlehanded
1 singleminded
1 singular
3 sinister
19 sink
1 sinklitos
47 sinner
7 sir
1 siren
104 sister
161 sit
64 site
9 situate
22 situation
98 six
13 sixteen
1 sixthly
19 sixty
21 size
1 sizzling
2 skeptic
1 skeptical
1 sketch
1 skiff
48 skill
11 skillful
5 skillfully
2 skim
31 skin
1 skip
1 skirt
3 skull
30 sky
1 skyblue
3 skylight
1 slack
6 slacken
57 slander
8 slanderous
1 slap
3 slash
155 slaughter
37 slave
22 slavery
2 slavish
150 slay
1 sledge
1 sleek
58 sleep
5 sleepless
1 sleeplessness
1 slender
2 slice
15 slight
1 slime
10 sling
7 slip
4 slipper
2 slit
1 slobbered
3 slope
2 sloth
2 slothful
9 slow
2 sluggish
1 slumber
2 sly
134 small
1 smart
4 smash
5 smashed
1 smashing
5 smear
20 smell
2 smile
34 smite
2 smiths
26 smoke
5 smooth
1 smothered
37 snake
1 snapped
28 snare
14 snatch
5 snout
31 snow
4 snowstorm
2 snuff
1766 so
1 soak
1 soap
7 soar
20 sob
1 soberminded
3 sobriety
2 social
2 society
1 socket
5 sodomy
13 soft
11 soften
28 soil
1 sojourn
189 soldier
25 sole
28 solemn
1 solemnity
2 solicitation
4 solicitous
11 solicitude
26 solid
3 solidarity
1 solidify
4 solidity
8 solitary
7 solitude
20 solution
1 solve
1 somber
1 sombre
644 some
4 somebody
10 somehow
106 someone
71 something
50 sometime
17 somewhat
10 somewhere
1 somnolence
1588 son
44 song
127 soon
3 soot
3 sooth
1 soothe
1 soothsayer
11 sophist
1 sophisticated
1 sophistry
7 sorcerer
1 sorceress
7 sorcery
1 sordid
5 sore
39 sorrow
7 sorrowful
6 sorry
50 sort
1 sortie
241 soul
1 soulful
1 soulscot
92 sound
2 sour
56 source
61 south
5 southeast
26 southern
2 southward
3 southwest
19 sovereign
9 sovereignty
23 sow
2 spa
5 space
5 spacious
1 spade
4 span
250 sparapet
85 spare
7 spark
10 sparkle
4 spasalar
2 spatar
3 spatter
422 speak
51 spear
11 spearman
15 special
1 specialist
9 species
2 specific
3 specify
1 speck
1 speckle
10 spectacle
1 spectator
1 specter
2 speculation
1 speculator
33 speech
4 speechless
24 speed
13 speedy
1 spell
81 spend
6 spew
1 spider
1 spiderweb
1 spike
6 spill
2 spin
1 spine
322 spirit
1 spiritedness
174 spiritual
7 spit
10 spite
4 spiteful
1 spittle
2 splash
101 splendid
53 splendor
2 splinter
31 split
23 spoil
1 spokesman
2 sponge
3 spontaneous
1 spoon
2 sport
112 spot
2 spotless
3 spouse
2 sprawl
135 spread
69 spring
12 springtime
10 sprinkle
10 sprout
1 spum
10 spur
3 spurn
1 spurt
15 spy
2 squabble
1 squander
28 square
1 squash
2 squeeze
4 squire
14 stab
7 stability
1 stabilize
20 stable
18 stadium
8 staff
2 stag
4 stage
1 stagnant
17 stain
1 stainless
2 stair
3 staircase
2 stairway
10 stake
1 stalk
1 stall
1 stallion
2 stalwart
1 stamina
7 stamp
199 stand
17 standard
38 star
1 stare
1 starry
64 start
1 startle
4 starvation
4 starve
90 state
21 statement
43 station
2 stationary
23 statue
27 stature
10 status
3 statute
79 stay
23 stead
10 steadfast
2 steadfastness
1 steadiness
5 steady
17 steal
1 stealthful
5 stealthily
27 steed
10 steel
6 steep
4 steer
1 steersman
6 stele
2 stem
10 stench
1 stenographer
17 step
1 stepchildren
1 stepfather
1 stepmother
1 stepsister
1 sterile
4 stern
1 sternness
3 steward
2 stewards
12 stick
2 stiff
1 stifle
1 stigmatize
213 still
1 stimulate
1 stimulus
3 sting
3 stinge
4 stink
29 stipend
18 stipulate
2 stipulation
48 stir
8 stock
9 stole
13 stomach
152 stone
1 stonemason
1 stool
1 stoop
86 stop
1 storage
38 store
4 storehouse
1 stork
28 storm
72 story
2 storyteller
7 stout
1 stouthearted
2 stoutheartedness
1 stowed
14 straight
27 straightaway
1 straighten
4 strain
8 strait
3 straiten
1 strand
9 strange
22 stranger
12 strangle
1 strangulation
4 strap
12 stratagem
7 strategem
1 strategic
5 strategos
1 strategy
9 stratelate
10 straw
24 stray
1 streak
43 stream
23 street
133 strength
95 strengthen
1 stress
24 stretch
2 strew
14 stricken
27 strict
1 strictness
3 stride
1 strident
6 strife
233 strike
4 string
6 stringent
71 strip
38 strive
7 stroke
4 stroll
1 stroller
135 strong
85 stronghold
1 strongman
1 strophe
24 structure
46 struggle
5 strut
2 stubble
15 stubborn
1 stubborness
1 stubbornness
14 studded
29 student
6 studious
54 study
4 stuff
9 stumble
5 stun
7 stupefy
1 stupendous
28 stupid
4 stupidity
5 stupify
2 stupor
2 sturdy
31 style
1 stylus
1 subdeacon
1 subdivision
48 subdue
167 subject
27 subjection
9 subjugate
3 subjugation
11 sublime
6 submerge
49 submission
4 submissive
1 submissiveness
129 submit
14 subordinate
4 subordination
1 subscribe
161 subsequent
2 subservience
3 subservient
2 subside
4 subsistence
8 substance
2 substantial
5 substitute
2 subterfuge
1 subtle
4 subtlety
1 subtract
1 subtraction
1 subversive
3 subvert
128 succeed
41 success
27 successful
1 successfulness
28 succession
6 successive
19 successor
2 succinct
14 succor
2 succulent
6 succumb
1 sucessive
739 such
4 suck
1 suckle
13 suckling
147 sudden
2 suddenness
193 suffer
12 suffice
1 sufficiency
46 sufficient
7 suffocate
1 suffocation
3 suffragan
2 suffuse
12 suggest
12 suggestion
4 suicide
8 suit
44 suitable
1 suitors
1 sulfur
1 sullen
8 sully
5 sulphur
5 sum
3 summarize
7 summary
34 summer
3 summertime
41 summit
9 summits
227 summon
2 summons
2 sumptuous
175 sun
1 sunbeam
1 sunlight
1 sunny
4 sunrise
5 sunset
4 sup
1 superabundance
4 superb
1 supercilious
2 superficial
1 superfluity
16 superfluous
11 superintendence
8 superintendent
36 superior
2 superiority
6 supernal
2 superstition
2 superstitious
4 supervise
9 supervision
10 supervisor
1 supine
4 supper
1 supplant
1 supplement
1 suppliant
4 supplicate
45 supplication
1 supplicative
3 supplicatory
16 supply
135 support
1 supportive
42 suppose
5 supposedly
4 supposition
11 suppress
2 suppression
2 supremacy
10 supreme
1 supress
25 sure
13 surely
6 surety
18 surface
10 surge
1 surliness
1 surmise
4 surmount
11 surname
44 surpass
1 surplus
18 surprise
33 surrender
2 surreptitious
160 surround
1 surveillance
1 survey
1 survival
92 survive
66 survivor
13 suspect
12 suspend
1 suspense
39 suspicion
11 suspicious
17 sustain
6 sustenance
1 sustinence
2 suzerainty
1 swaddle
14 swallow
5 swamp
1 swan
14 swarm
40 sway
85 swear
19 sweat
2 sweep
88 sweet
4 sweeten
12 sweetness
18 swell
1 swelter
1 swerve
46 swift
4 swiftness
4 swim
6 swine
3 swinish
2 swoon
10 swoop
554 sword
9 swordsman
1 swordsmanship
1 sycophantic
1 syllabic
2 syllabification
6 syllable
24 symbol
2 symbolic
1 symbolize
4 sympathetic
1 sympathize
2 sympathizer
2 sympathy
1 synagogue
6 synod
1 syphilis
6 system
4 systematic