12 Armenain Historians
Table of Contents | Headwords: Alphabetical - Frequency | Wordforms: Alphabetical - Frequency | About

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Headwords starting with 'w'. 234 items, 37377 occurrences.
2 waft
1 wag
94 wage
11 wagon
16 wail
22 waist
72 wait
7 wake
2 wakeful
36 walk
179 wall
5 wallow
3 wand
31 wander
4 wane
128 want
168 wanted
7 wanton
431 war
2 warble
6 ward
2 ware
72 warfare
12 warlike
28 warm
13 warmth
37 warn
1 warrant
125 warrior
2 warship
29 wash
21 waste
1 wasteful
4 wasteland
32 watch
6 watchful
3 watchtower
236 water
1 watercourse
4 waterless
56 wave
21 wax
420 way
5450 we
47 weak
44 weaken
18 weakness
29 wealth
9 wealthy
1 wean
57 weapon
1 weaponless
70 wear
2 weariness
1 wearisome
30 weary
9 weather
9 weave
3 web
5 wed
20 wedding
9 weed
13 week
73 weep
15 weigh
11 weight
15 welcome
9 welfare
427 well
64 west
44 western
4 westward
7 wet
1 whale
875 what
126 whatever
4 whatsoever
8 wheat
2 wheel
1957 when
34 whence
17 whenever
506 where
2 whereabouts
2 whereafter
46 whereas
3 whereat
60 whereby
2 wherefore
13 wherein
1 whereon
6 whereupon
61 wherever
4 wherewith
2 whet
64 whether
2310 which
4 whichever
547 while
4 whim
1 whimsical
4 whip
5 whirl
1 whirlpool
3 whirlwind
4 whisper
1 whistle
1 whit
56 white
2 whiteness
3 whither
2 whiz
4605 who
48 whoever
274 whole
4 wholeheartedly
1 wholesome
3 wholly
27 whomever
1 whomsoever
6 whore
1 whoremonger
3 whosoever
188 why
299 wicked
87 wickedness
24 wide
1 widespread
24 widow
3 widowhood
3 width
4 wield
267 wife
94 wild
11 wilderness
14 wile
2617 will
3 willful
138 willing
10 willingness
1 willow
2 wilt
55 win
88 wind
5 window
80 wine
1 winepress
1 wineskin
64 wing
1 winnow
104 winter
1 winterquarter
7 wintertime
3 wintry
12 wipe
155 wisdom
169 wise
429 wish
5 wit
5 witch
3 witchcraft
7245 with
49 withdraw
1 withdrawal
15 wither
9 withhold
85 within
1 withold
450 without
30 withstand
1 witless
93 witness
1 wizard
41 woe
2 woeful
39 wolf
318 woman
1 womanizer
1 womankind
13 womb
41 wonder
103 wonderful
1 wonderous
1 wonderworker
11 wondrous
9 wont
77 wood
2 woodcutter
23 wooden
1 woodlouse
7 wool
1 woollen
787 word
313 work
26 worker
4 workman
411 world
3 worldwide
10 worm
1 wormwood
18 worry
1 worse
277 worship
3 worshipful
18 worshipper
2 worsted
20 worth
2 worthiness
16 worthless
4 worthwhile
325 worthy
1 would
103 wound
1 wounded
4 wracked
23 wrap
58 wrath
10 wrathful
5 wreak
5 wreath
10 wreck
7 wrest
1 wresting
36 wretch
1 wretched
1 wretchedness
3 writ
587 write
2 writh
13 writing
11 wrong
1 wrongdoing
1 wrongful
36 wrought